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Musings and Ramblings

Of a self professed bookworm and geek girl.

Second Chance Christmas

Second Chance Christmas - Ellen Butler Second Chance Christmas is a novella that lives up to it's name. Okay, yes, the cover is what completely caught my eye at first, but then I read the title. Christmas is the ultimate time to believe in miracles, forgiveness and good will toward men. Then I had a bit of name recognition on the author, and I decided that this was one that I would have to pick up.

The bulk of the book is just Emma and Colton. They were engaged years before and broke up when Colton didn't tell Emma about plans for him to relocate and deploy until the last minute. As an up and coming attorney in her firm, she didn't want to walk away from everything she had worked hard for, when Colton wasn't even going to be there anyway. Cue bitter break up.

Now it's almost 2 1/2 years later, and they are in different places in their lives, both career and maturity wise. But they both have to be willing to be open and honest with each other, if they want another shot at making it. Colton was ready, now can he convince Emma?

Second chance romances work really well as novellas, because all the history can be boiled down and just allow for the story to pick up with much of the work already done. With Christmas being a natural time for second chances, this story just worked. I enjoyed every bit of it and gave it 4 stars.

Thanks to Netgalley and Entangled for the opportunity to read and review this book.